Have Questions?

Its ok to have questions or doubts. Have a look  some of the most common questions that our clients have. Otherwise, feel free to contact us, and do not hesitate to ask us your questions or concerns.

Yes you can, but only from the second service. 

Yes, we do. Also, we accept the most popular payments options.

Yes it is. A small percentage will be debit automatically

Only if you are a regular business client, we may grant some kind of credit.

Yes you can and it is your right. You need to provide your details such your email, to send it to you. Please notice, we are a paperless business.

No we don’t. We do a site inspection to discuss and to do a proper assessment of your job and needs.

Yes you can as a regular client. Residential clients can get up to 50% in their regular service from their first price paid. 

Yes it is. We can provide the Certificate of Currency if it is required

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